These Videos are from talks given at the “The Economics of Happiness: Creating a More Equitable World” event organised by Initiatives of Change and Local Futures.
The session was based around the ideas of Helena Norberg-Hodge that designing an economy on a human scale can bring wealth, happiness and prosperity in an ecological way. She talked of the steps local, national and international, to getting there.
Initiatives of Change invited Stephen to share his experiences with early stages of Transition initiatives. An extended version of his slide pack is available below the video.
The slideshare pack
Diego Isabel La Moneda is Director of the Global Hub for the Common Good. He also coordinates the International Expansion of the ‘Economy for the Common Good’. Diego is author of the book Yo Soy Tú: Propuesta para una Nueva Sociedad and co-author of Dentro de 15 años.
Diego Isabel La Moneda, Director of the Global Hub for the Common
Good, specialises in new economics, social and political innovation, sustainable development and business management and has worked with private companies, public institutions and governments. He also coordinates the International Expansion of the ‘Economy for the Common Good’. Diego is author of the book
Yo Soy Tú: Propuesta para una Nueva Sociedad and co-author of Dentro de 15 años.