Webinar replay: helping farmers help us towards sustainability

Invitation to Webinar!


 Host: Invest in Peace http://investinpeace.tssef.se

Theme:  Where climate-friendly farmers need investment
Objectives: To hear progress from India involving some 20,000 farmers with achieving climate and friendly food production – bringing functioning soils, carbon mitigation and food security
Replay: Follow this link Continue reading

Introducing Invest in Peace

PAST WEBINAR: If we have the power to make such a mess of this world then surely we have the power to bring peace



  • This Webinar was held on 31 May 2017
  • Host: Invest in Peace http://investinpeace.tssef.se
  • Theme: Introducing Investing in Peace
  • Objectives: Learn more about the initiative and what Investing in Peace can mean for you .
  • Sign up: See the replay here
  • Download: the slides here. 1WEBiNAR

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