Peace Promotor: Peace Partners


Name:  Peace Partners

Type:  Registered UK charity Peace Partners Logo

Mission Statement: Peace Partners aims to raise public awareness, improve knowledge and expertise, and develop sustainable solutions to the global challenge of meeting the fundamental human needs of clean air and water, nutritious food and individual peace.

Peace-promoting activities:   Partnership with and support to p the unique, innovative programmes of The Prem Rawat Foundation (TPRF), who are helping to assist people most in need, worldwide. Support of the Peace Education Programme in community and prison contexts throughout the UK.

Peace Bank Status: Registered, unverified.
Disclaimer: information on unverified entries has been collated by Invest In Peace from public sources and has not been verified by the organisation. Learn more about status here.

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Celebrate life events


Name: Celebrate Life Events

Type: Association

Mission Statement:

Celebrate Life organises ultra-friendly, multicultural events with a twist. Each one is carefully crafted to take you on a journey, leaving you in a different frame of mind than when you first walked through the door.

Peace-promoting activities: CLE offers events that promote the feeling and message of peace using


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Peace Promoter: Interviver



Type:  Portugese not for profit organisation

Mission Statement:  to promote of health, well-being and Peace in Portugal

Peace-promoting activities:   InterViver is working with municipalities in the Greater Lisbon Area with civil society mobilisation for health, well-being and Peace. InterViver offers a Peace Education Program as well as, in cooperation with the Higher Institute for Social and Political Sciences (Lisbon), well-being lessons for 7 th, 8th and 9th graders. The pilot project is being implemented this academic year in a public school in Cascais.

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Peace Promotor: Local Futures


Name:  Local Futures LOcal futures

Type:  Not for profit organisation,  established 1978

Mission Statement: Local Futures’ (ISEC) mission is to protect and renew ecological and social well being by promoting a systemic shift away from economic globalization towards localization. Through its “education for action” programs, Local Futures develops innovative models and tools to catalyze collaboration for strategic change at the community and international level

Peace-promoting activities:   Local futures provides support for communities to develop food security and other securities that underpin peace. Continue reading

Investor in peace: Initiatives of Change


Name:  CAUX-Initiatives of Change Foundation (CAUX-IofC)

Type:  Foundation under Swiss law, established 1946

Mission Statement:  to provide a safe and privileged space to inspire, equip and connect individuals, groups and organisations from around the globe to engage effectively and innovatively in the promotion of trust, ethical leadership, sustainable living and human security.

Peace-promoting activities:  organizes and coordinates international and local conferences, seminars and training in Switzerland, primarily in its Conference Centre, the former Caux-Palace, bringing together a diversity of people.

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